Django at Web 2.0 Expo

Posted by Adrian Holovaty on April 10, 2007

Next week's Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco features two Django-related presentations.

First, there's the session All You Need To Know About Django:

You've heard about Django, the relatively young Python web framework. But why are people talking about it? Hear lead developer/co-creator Adrian Holovaty explain how the framework works, how it saves you time, and why people fall in love with it. Expect both a high-level overview and low-level code samples, along with a look into Django's future.

Then, it'll be a panel, Comparing Web Application Frameworks:

Creators and architects of a select group of today's most modern, successful web development frameworks will come together in this panel to answer questions from developers.

See you in San Francisco. No word yet whether we'll put together a Django "Birds of a Feather" session, but if you'll be around, leave a comment here so we can coordinate.

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