Announcing Django Weekend Cardiff, the UK's first Django conference

Posted by Daniele Procida on December 2, 2013

In 2014 Cardiff will host the first-ever Django conference in the UK.

Django Weekend Cardiff will take place at Cardiff University in Wales, from the 7th to the 9th February, for three days of talks, tutorials, code sprints and clinics.

Registration for the event is now open, as well as a Call for Papers.


Cardiff is the capital city of Wales. It's easy to reach; we've provided some information about how to get here, where to stay and what else you can do while in Cardiff.


Django Weekend Cardiff is looking for more sponsors, to help make this event even more memorable and enjoyable for its attendees.

Please get in touch if you want to ask or discuss anything at all about the event.

Thanks, and we look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff in 2014.

Daniele Procida, on behalf of Django Weekend Cardiff.

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