Free Django workshop for women at EuroPython

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee, Ola Sitarska and Ola Sendecka on June 5, 2014

Django Girls is an initiative that is aiming to introduce 19 women who have never coded before to the world of technology and increase the diversity of European Python community. During EuroPython 2014 in Berlin, there will be a workshop for women from all over Europe to learn how to build the Internet using HTML, CSS, Python and Django.

The workshop will take place on 21st of July, on a first day of EuroPython. Django Girls is tailored for women who have never programmed before -- absolute beginners. The IT industry benefits from increased diversity, and the easiest way to increase diversity is to bring in people who haven't previously been part of the industry, and show them how fun and fulfilling it can be.

The workshop is free of charge, and each participant will receive free tickets to the entire EuroPython conference, courtesy of EuroPython. In addition, if an attendee can't come to Berlin due to financial reasons, but is very motivated to learn and then share their knowledge with others, EuroPython and Django Software Foundation have donated funds to help with travel and accommodation costs.

Applications for seats at the workshop are now open, and close on 30th June 2014. If you are interested in attending, but require financial assistance, you can indicate this on the application form. Applicants will receive confirmation letters by 4th of July 2014.

The Django Girls organizers are also looking for coaches and sponsors who can contribute to the event. People and organizations who are interested are very welcome - please get in touch if you're interested in helping out! Individuals who want to financially support Django Girls can buy a special support ticket for EuroPython donating €10, €20, €50 or €100 for the cause. Sales of these tickets starts 5th June 2014 at 6pm UTC+2.

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