PyCharm & DSF Campaign 2023

Posted by Catherine Holmes on July 3, 2023

The Django Software Foundation’s biggest fundraising event of the year is here!

Each year, our friends at JetBrains, the creators of PyCharm, run an incredible deal. You get a 30% discounted year of PyCharm, AND the DSF gets 100% of the proceeds. Plus, get one free month of access to JetBrains Academy, which has courses like Intro to Django, SQL, Git, and more!

The fundraiser runs from July 3rd-July 23rd! Buy PyCharm and support Django!

Donations like this fundraiser allow the DSF to function. Our two wonderful Fellows, Mariusz Felisiak and Natalia Bidart keep Django running smoothly. In 2022, our Fellows (Carlton Gibson and Mariusz) were instrumental in:

In the past, JetBrains through the PyCharm fundraiser has provided approximately one quarter of the Django Software Foundation’s budget! Remember, get your discounted year of PyCharm now, and the DSF will receive 100% of proceeds!

The other side of the DSF is our support for Django groups across the globe. We have supported each of the DjangoCons held across the globe, particularly with donating funding towards opportunity grants for more people to be able to attend these conferences. The DSF also supports smaller events around the world, including DjangoGirls events.

2023 is off to a great start where we hope to do more with your help!

Finally, I want to tell you about PyCharm itself.

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) that helps professional Python web developers be more productive, be more confident, and write better code. It supports the full Python web workflow out of the box, including popular Python web frameworks, such as Django, frontend technologies, and databases.

Here are the main benefits of using PyCharm in your Django development:

Get Django work done with PyCharm, a powerful IDE tailored for Django web development!

Consider this the easiest charitable donation you will ever make, when you get such a great product in return!

If you would like to donate in another way, especially if you are already a PyCharm customer, here are other ways to donate to the DSF:

On our website via credit card:

Via GitHub sponsors:

For those able to make a larger donation, particularly corporate sponsors, more information: and application:

Thank you,

Catherine Holmes

DSF Assistant

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