Announcing DSF Working Groups

Posted by Jacob Kaplan-Moss on October 13, 2023

Today we’re announcing some changes to how the DSF gets work done. We want to make it easier for people to contribute meaningfully to the DSF’s mission. Previously, you more or less needed to be a board member to help; now, anyone can join — or form — a working group to further the DSF’s mission.

Our intent is, over time, to move the majority of the day-to-day business of the DSF from the Board down to individual working groups. This’ll accomplish two things: it’ll make it much easier for folks to get involved and help the DSF, and it’ll reduce the current bottleneck where the Board needs to be involved in every decision.

We're tracking all the details — current working groups, info on how to form new ones — in this Github repository. We currently have the following working groups:

Most of these groups are currently seeking volunteers! See each group’s charter doc linked above for instructions on how to volunteer.

Our next steps are going to be spinning up some new working groups under this structure. We’re planning on three new working groups:

If you’d want to join any of these soon-to-be-created groups, contact the board and express your interest.

And if you’ve got ideas for Working Groups not mentioned above, you should propose your own! The best first step there would be to contact the board to get the conversation started.

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