Karen Tracey joins the DSF board

Posted by Russell Keith-Magee on Dec. 4, 2012

In late October, the DSF announced the resignation of Jacob Kaplan-Moss from the Django Software Foundation board.

The DSF membership nominated a group of potential candidates to replace fill Jacob's seat, and then voted on those nominations. These votes revealed a clearly preferred candidate, and late last week, the board of the Django Software Foundation (DSF) met and voted unanimously to confirm Karen Tracey to fill Jacob's seat on the DSF board.

Karen has been an active member of the Django community for many years. She has been a regular contributor to the Django Users and Django Developers mailing lists, and quite literally wrote the book on Django testing. She has been a member of the core team for over 4 years, and was one of the first developer members appointed to the DSF. She's also an avid author of crosswords and rescuer of cats.

The DSF would again like to thank Jacob for his many years of service to the DSF, including acting as the DSF president for the first 2 years of the DSF's existence. We look forward to seeing the contributions that Karen can bring to the DSF board.

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