DSF board election 2015 results

Posted by Jannis Leidel on November 20, 2014

We're happy to announce the winners of the DSF board elections 2015:

President: Russell Keith-Magee

Board members: Karen Tracey and Ola Sitarska

Secretary: Andy McKay

Treasurer: Stacey Haysler

Feel free to let us know if you'd like to know the full voting results.

The board of the Django Software Foundation (DSF) has just met and voted unanimously to confirm Russell, Karen, Ola, Andy and Stacey for their seat on the DSF board.

We want to thank all the other candidates again for their participation and hope to see them running at the next annual board election.

Ola is a co-organizer of many community events like DjangoCon Europe in Warsaw (DjangoCircus) and Django: Under The Hood and a co-founder of Django Girls where she helps run non-profit and free events for hundreds of women who want to learn about building the web. She cares about bringing more inclusivity into the Django community and making it easier for beginners to start using and developing Django. She works as a Django Developer at Potato in London.

Stacey brings an incredible amount of experience with corporate administration and financial management to the board. She has experience managing 501(c)(3) organizations, and has been involved in the organisation of Open Source conferences such as PgCon. She works as a Client Services Director at PostgreQL Experts, an OSS consultancy.

We look forward to seeing the contributions that Ola and Stacey can bring to the DSF board as new members of the board.

The DSF would like to thank Adrian for his many years of service, who has literally been there since its inception back in 2008. He has been an amazing influence and in many cases the driving force behind what Django is today.

Our thanks also to Joseph Kocherhans who has served as DSF Treasurer similarly since 2008. Joseph has done an amazing job over the last 6 years, and especially over the last 12 months.

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