Funding testimonial: Divio

Posted by Daniele Procida, Adrienne Lowe on February 4, 2016

Divio is a flourishing international Python/Django development company.

Our success in software is utterly dependent on a number of things, and our head of accounting was kind enough to put figures on some of them:

When we say our business is built on Django, we're not just talking about our web applications, we do literally mean our business. And almost unbelievably, Django, our stable rock, is free.

Thanks to Django, Divio was able to get started, and thanks to Django we've grown into a company with clients around the world, over 30 employees in four different countries, and a bright future.

Django was a bold choice in 2006, but Python/Django web development clearly had a bright future, even in those early days. We made the right judgement when we decided that Django’s power and reliability represented our future. Since then, the investment we made has been repaid many times over.

It's tempting to take Django for granted, but the fact is, we rely on it. What's more, we don't just need Django now, we need Django to keep on developing and improving too.

It really matters to us to support Django. Helping fund the DSF's Fellowship Programme has been an excellent way to do that, and we've benefitted directly from the improvements to Django's codebase that the Fellowship has made possible.

Django isn’t just our chosen web application framework.

Django is also a community of people and an ecosystem of skills and software. We need them too, so we also we fund and support:

Funding Django is not an act of charity, it's an investment, and we do it because it's a way of securing our own future.

Every business that relies on Django is in the same position, and no doubt wants Django to remain solid and stable, secure and powerful, and priceless and free - so the only sensible thing to do is invest in it, by providing financial support to the Django Software Foundation and to its community.

Join our current corporate members today by reading the details of corporate membership and applying here.

Please share this post and help spread the word to your employer, colleagues, and companies who you know use and appreciate Django, so that we might bring them on board in support in 2016.

Current corporate members may also wish to write a similar testimonial. To be featured, or for general questions, suggestions, and to help us make introductions with great folks, please get in touch.

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